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Rebecca Blake

Hello and welcome! I’m Rebecca and I live in Maryland. I’m a mom, a partner, a sister, a daughter, a friend, and a neighbor. For almost 20 years I have been a social worker, working with individuals from all walks of life. I can honestly say I love what I do, and I hear from many of my clients that my passion is evident in my work.


Beyond my work, I love being outside (walking, hiking, or just sitting in the sun with a good book). I enjoy being active – give me a good spin class or yoga class and I’m happy! I also love reading a mix of historical fiction, romance, and personal and professional development books, and I’m happy to share my favorites!





Bachelor of Arts in Sociology

Bachelor of Arts in Women’s Studies

Master of Social Work

Licensure and Credentials:

Maryland Licensed Certified Social Worker-Clinical

Board-approved supervisor, Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners

DBT-Linehan Board of Certification, Certified Clinician​​

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Inpatient, outpatient, and residential settings

Teenagers, young adults, families


Intensively trained in Dialectical Behavior Therapy

DBT-Prolonged Exposure

DBT with Parents, Couples, and Families


Borderline Personality Disorder

Depression (including treatment resistant depression)

Other mood disorders such as bipolar disorder

Anxiety and related disorders

PTSD and trauma disorders

Chronic emotional dysregulation

Suicidality, self-injury

parents of children with mental illness

maternal mental health

Bonus fun fact:

I am a lover of all things chocolate!

No matter how long your journey appears to be, there is never more than this: one step, one breath, one moment. Now.

- Ekhart Tolle

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